Wheatley taxis and cabs from Eagle Taxis

Looking for a taxi in Wheatley? Our specialist fleet of cars and minibuses are just a click away!
Your first choice for travelling in and around Wheatley
Your first choice for travelling in and around Wheatley
Reliability, efficiency and safety are always our priorities
Eagle taxis operates an ever growing fleet of private hire vehicles serving Oxford Parkway Train Station 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Using the latest GPS technology, we are able to track our vehicles and our advanced computer system keeps us at the forefront of efficient transportation services throughout Europe.
Our drivers are the best in the business
Eagle taxis drivers are licensed by Oxford City, Vale of white Horse, South Oxford and Cherwell District councils with uniformed, CRB (criminal records bureau) checked and have an NVQ in Road Passenger Transport. All cars are maintained to a high standard to ensure comfort, safety and above all – security.
Take advantage of our fixed rate airport transfers
Our range of executive vehicles and people carriers are perfectly suited for airport transfers. Whether travelling on business or pleasure you can trust eagle taxis to provide the right service for you, taking you to your destination in comfort and style. A driver will meet and greet you in the arrivals area at airports, train stations, seaports and cruise terminals. eagle taxis.com offers fixed fares for airport transfer whether it is a collection or drop off. Flights are monitored by our controllers before cars are despatched, this is to minimise waiting time charges.